Lilla Rose Hair Jewelry

​Lilla Rose hair jewelry is as beautiful as it is easy to use!  

Have you ever had a day when you wanted to pull your hair out because it keeps falling in your face OR your child is ripping your hair out because it isn’t pulled back? 

It happens to all of us, you know, bad hair days.  Days, when your hair gets the best of you and you just want to start over.  Days, when you are tired of the ponytail and infamous Mom top-knot but really have nothing else to try.  I’ve had all of these days and then some. 

I was introduced to Lilla Rose hair jewelry recently by one of their consultants, Rebecca.  She is a mom like me and she told me about how easy and wonderful their hair pieces are.  Lilla Rose offers a variety of hair jewelry for every hair style and type: headbands, flexi clips, and decorated hair pins are just a few pieces in their collection. 

Rebecca sent me one of their Flexi’s and bobby pins to try out.  Y’ALL!  I love them both!  Let me tell you why I love them.

The Flexi is like a ponytail holder only there is no rubber band.  You simply put the clip over the section of hair that you want held in place and slide the clip under the hair until it slips into a groove.  What I like best about this clip is there is no rubber band to break or pull on your hair when you take it out.  It’s stylish and so easy to use no matter what your hair type is.  You can also use it for half up/half down hair styles.  The Flexi has grooves on the bottom side of the clip that allows you to slip it into the one that best fits your hair.  It bends so easily and will not break!  I have my hair in a ponytail in this picture and it looks great and goes with literally anything.

Here are some facts from Rebecca:

*the flexi is beaded on music wire (think piano and guitar wire) and is intended to be flexible. 

*You want a packed flexi for a secure hold — yes, it can/should bend!

*they come with a one year guarantee of replacement for breakage!

*they do not have a clasp (that can easily break/pinch hair), but a set of grooves that secures the clip

*sizes engraved into the end of the stick (except xxs size)

*stick is attached into the flexi and is metal!

Rebecca’s website also has a super informative “sizing and styling” tab (front page/top right) that will show you how to use the flexi.  The “FOTM” means flexi of the month. These are offered for one month. Occasionally you see them again, but no guarantee. There are two versions of a very cute flexi this month. 

If you have any questions about the Flexi you can ask Rebecca on her FB page or website!!!
Now on to the Bobby pins!  They are adorable.  These are perfect for the women who want to keep the whispys away.  They work great for ponytails and especially for your longer bangs to pin them back when you want to wear your hair down and still look pretty! 

Rebecca has these and so much more on her website.  It would be well worth your time to check her out!  These would make awesome stocking stuffers for girls of any age! 

NOW to the exciting part!  We are teaming up to do a giveaway!

All you need to do is follow this blog and Rebecca’s Facebook page!  In order to win click on the link below and like her page, click on her giveaway post, LIKE,  SHARE, AND TAG YOUR FRIENDS!  She will pick a winner at random to pick their XS Flexi or bobby pin of their choice from her website!!!

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